Media Assignment- questionnaire
My name is Emily Watts and I went to Broadland High School. I’m the only one from my school who came to CNS as I wanted a completely new start; new subjects, new school, new people. However, my first day was very hard work, since I only knew two people, because everyone already had their friends and I had to fit around them, but I enjoy it now. In my GCSEs I achieved:
• 4 As in English Literature, Language, Food tech and Science
• 5 Bs in French, Science, PE, RS and maths
• 2 Cs in History and Art
I don’t often read newspapers, only when my mum recommends I read an article that she found interesting for example, however I do read the ‘reviews’ page as I like to know new releases of films and music and what people think of them. They influence my decision a lot as I would never go to see a film that has less than 3 stars. I also always read Glamour magazine as I enjoy the fashion photography of the designers, much like vogue- however, Glamour is much cheaper!
Every morning I listen to the radio and I believe the radio is a huge aspect of the media as the DJs talk about relevant issues, celebrity gossip, and the news. My favourite radio stations include Kiss and Radio One. I both really enjoy the music they play as it is current and catchy. Although, some of the Radio One’s DJ’s accents annoy me, so I have to change the channel. I believe that the music you enjoy and listen to hugely influences you as a person and maybe the way you may dress. For example, people who like punk music, such as the Sex Pistols tend to dress ‘punky’ with Mohawks and chains etc.
I believe that new technologies have had a massive impact on society all over the world. Being able to have internet on your phone enables you to access the news anywhere you want and to be able to reach friends and family through social networking sites such as ‘Facebook’, increasing your ability to communicate with others. Owning an MP3 or Ipod, ables you to listen to music whenever you want, without disturbing others. An increase in accessibility to television programmes and films gives you a new awareness of what is happening in the world, different points of view and makes you more open-minded as you see different ways in which people live.
My favourite television channels are the ‘Crime Channel’ and ‘living’. I like these because I find them interesting as they are about ‘real’ situations. Even though the Crime Channel constantly makes me paranoid and scared (!!) I still find it fascinating the way that they use technology to solve crimes. Similarly with ‘Living’ (although not as scary) they show ‘reality’ programmes such as ’16 and Pregnant’ and although it’s complete rubbish, I still find it interesting; but that’s probably because I am nosey! I think that Band of Brothers are extremely memorable series on television as the cinematography was so amazingly done and they special effects were brilliant. I also find the Ross Kemp series on television memorable as they show aspects of society in different countries that we may not know about.
My favourite film genre is romance and comedy. I like these genres because they are easy to watch and tend to not be very ‘high brow’ (which in films I just can’t take as it gives me a headache). Three outstanding films in my opinion are ‘Saving Private Ryan’; ‘Forrest Gump’ and ‘Dear John’. Saving Private Ryan is probably the most amazing film I have ever seen. The way the shots are filmed and the lighting make you feel as though you are there. It is also directed by Stephen Spielburg who, in my opinion, is the best director ever.
I love to go to the cinema and if I see a film coming out that I particularly want to see, I make sure I go, as I think that the event of going to the cinema is often as good as the film. But most often, I watch most films on Sky Movies as I really like seeing a film I love showing, and being able to watch it. My favourite cinema is Odeon at Riverside because it is fairly new and seems really clean inside, however, it is extremely expensive. I really like ‘Vue’ though, because it is much cheaper and easier to access as it is in the city centre. I tend to go and see films with friends or with my boyfriend as I don’t like going on my own.
To conclude, I think that the film that has changed my opinion to myself, my family and my life is My sisters keeper is probably the one film that has altered my view to life because the film is about a little girl who’s sister has got cancer, but she wants to sue her parents because she was only born to give her sister things such as blood transfusions and she doesn’t want to anymore. It made me see the story from both sides as her parents just wanted her little girl to live, but the main character didn’t want to be used anymore. It showed me the values of family and how important life is and how you should live every minute like it’s your last because so many people do not get the opportunity to and would be so thankful to live how we do. It has also taught me to not take anything for granted in life and to always smile.